Get rakhi according to star sign

NEW DELHI: Make your brother-sister bond stronger by choosing the right rakhi colour according to your zodiac sign. Madhu Kotiya, Spiritual Healer at has shared tips for choosing the right coloured rakhis and gifts.

Aries: You should choose a rakhi which is red, orange or yellow in colour. An Aries is generally a sport lover, so the best gift for him will be sport equipment.

Taurus: Opt for blue or silver coloured rakhis. While a Taurus man is as stubborn as a bull, he is also warm and open; hence the perfect gift for him will include a gourmet gift bask et of delicious chocolates, plush pillows or cashmere blankets.

Gemini: Choose a rakhi which is green in colour. Since a Gemini is highly intelligent and talkative person, therefore, gift him something that would compliment his intelligence, such as a book or a journal or a unique picture frame.

Cancer: Buy a rakhi which is made of silk threads or pearls, because they are soft from inside. Similarly, they love something that will have a personal meaning, therefore any handmade thing, or something related to home will be a perfect gift for them.

Leo: Your rakhi should be of orange, pink or red colour. In terms of gifting, an eye-catching jewellery, cosmetics, fragrances or a grooming kit will be a perfect gift.

Virgo: A rakhi made of silk threads or green or white in colour should be your pick. The best gift for this organised sign will be a magazine basket, schedule-appointment journal or a nice watch.

Libra: For your Libra brother opt for a rakhi which is purple or turquoise in colour. Libra is a sign of balance and scale and they love beauty and sensuality, hence a basket filled with scented soaps, lotions and candles will be the ideal gift for them.

Scorpio: Red should be your colour. Scorpions are very discreet and extra sensual and concerned with their appearances, so a brand of perfume or a pair of designer shoes or sunglasses will be a perfect gift for them.

Sagittarian: You should go for a yellow coloured rakhi. Sagittarian is outspoken, therefore they will be honest about whether they liked the gift or not. To avoid such an embarrassment, gift him something related to adventure or an outdoor picnic.

Capricorn: If you have a Capricorn brother, then your rakhi should be pink in colour. Capricorns are most ambitious zodiac sign, therefore anything related to status, job and success will be able to satiate your Capricorn brother.

Aquarius: Any dark coloured rakhi will do wonders for the strong bond with your brother. Any technical gadget will be the most apt gift for the brothers of this sign.

Pisces: White or yellow coloured rakhi should be your choice for your Pisces brother. This sign is sensitive and compassionate therefore anything to do with luxury or beauty will be their ideal gift.