
Social inclusion

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The nexus between poverty and disability has been strongly documented in Cambodia.

Many Cambodians with disabilities are among the poorest of the poor. Not only do they encounter social discrimination and experience low social status, but they also face constrained access to basic needs, including education, health and jobs. Poverty and stigma force many into isolation: they are seldom represented in civic and public spaces, making them invisible to policymakers.

This means their voices are not heard, and their issues not addressed.

Addressing social inclusion and equity issues for the vulnerable is central to two of the World Bank's overarching goals - ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. In Cambodia, the WB established a multi-donor trust fund with Switzerland, Germany, and Australia to implement a Social Accountability Program that could bridge the gap between the demand and supply sides of social accountability.

This requires improving the ability of both citizens and the state to communicate and produce action plans.

A version of this article appears in the print on May 17, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.