The implications of working from home on costs, productivity, and work-life balance are just now being understood by workers and companies around the world. Will this new awareness transcend the pandemic?

The pandemic has been less catastrophic for office workers than for those in manual and customer-facing occupations.

Many professionals, managers, mid-level staff, and assistants have been able to shift from the office to their home and connect to co-workers and clients through email, chat, document sharing, and video apps. For these workers, the pandemic has caused disruption to their work, but not termination. In developed countries, about 35% to 45% of jobs can be done at home, according to recent estimates. The share declines with income to about 10% to 30% in developing countries. Therefore, while most workers cannot work at home, the share that can is not insignificant.

Working from home disrupts the way we work and the way we interact with other members of the household, including our spouse, kids, and elderly parents.

A version of this article appears in the print on March 08, 2021, of The Himalayan Times.