1:0.5 Right shares to be issued


Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company Limited (AHPC) has proposed 10 per cent bounus shares and 0.526% cash dividends on Thursday.

The Hyropower company has further announced to convene virtually at 11 am on October 10, 2021 (Asoj 24, 2078) for its 24th Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Additionally, the company has also proposed to issue 1:0.5 right shares on the paid-up capital maintained after the bonus share adjustment.

The shareholders maintained before September 27, 2021 (Asoj 11, 2078) are entitled to the divident payout.

As of now, AHPC has an LTP of Rs.654.

AHPC has a total paid up capital of Rs 1, 572, 359, 100.