More job aspirants to leave for South Korea

KATHMANDU: Around 25 Nepali blue-collar job aspirants are leaving Nepal for South Korea on July 13 to work in agriculture and fisheries industries under Employment Permit System (EPS) under the quota of 2008.

The EPS South Korea had stopped to hire migrant workers in manufacturing industries since June 10 citing labour demand for 2009 n manufacturing has been fulfilled.

According to EPS section of Ministry of Labour and Transport Management (MoLTM), the 25 Nepali jobseekers will work in 12 different industries.

The EPS Nepal office have got certificate of confirmation of visa issuance (CCVI) of 17 persons.

However, the EPS 2009 quota has not yet been started due to global economic crisis.

The South Korea is one

of the most lucrative foreign destinations for Nepali migrant workers where they can earn $970 to $1,000 depending on the industry they work in.

Under the EPS 2008 quota 6,768 job aspirants have been listed in the roster but only around 2,831 Nepalis are working in South Korea under EPS-2008 quota.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Labour and Transport Management has started the process of renewal

of Labour Pact with South Korea.

The minister for Labour and Transport Management Mohammad Aftab Alam is visiting South Korea to discuss on the renewal of the pact that will expire on July 23.