Arnie offered cameo in Conan remake

NEW YORK: Actor-turned-politician Arnold Schwar-zenegger has been approached for a cameo in the remake of his 1982 hit Conan the Barbarian.

According to, Avi Lerner, producer of the new Conan movie has even offered Schwarzenegger a whopping $1 million for just a day’s work.

“(Schwarzenegger) said to me, ‘Wait two years for me. I’ll be coming back’. But I can’t wait that long. I told him we could even shoot the scene in Sacramento,” Lerner told the LA Times.

He added, “He was smiling, but he didn’t say yes. Maybe he can’t take the money while he’s still a governor. That’s okay, if he can’t take the money, I’d donate it to a charity or give it to a school that needs the money.” Lerner stressed he wasn’t giving up that easily. “Don’t worry, I’ll approach him again.”