Cherished memories

Ah! What can I say about memories? They are more than just a link to the past. They’re all we have that will last till the end.

Though the face of persons we love or once loved will fade away, but we will always remember that we had loved them and that might have been the most important thing for us at that time. The love and laughter we share with our family are memories that will never go away.

Memories remind us of the people and things that we consider the most important part of our lives. They bring smiles and laughter and of course also brings tears to our eyes.

We will always remember the first gift we had from the person we like and our hopes and dreams for our new life. When the time comes for us to say good-bye to loved ones, we realise that our heart is breaking and can think of nothing else than to cry as we have to go where the pace of life takes us.

Then the days go by... they don’t stop to notice your slow pace, and in the end you can do nothing more but sigh.

Everyone reading this must have at least thought about a person you miss as they have gone very far from you. You might have thought of the time when you had walked hand in hand unafraid of anything. You might have even thought about the vacations you took and you suddenly shouted, “Ooh! We had so much fun.”

You will remember the days when you played, laughed and relaxed in the sun and and the life you had. Your bond was made stronger in all those good and bad times.

Don’t be sad and miss the person you always liked, but be happy by remembering that you have those golden memories which will never leave you. It doesn’t matter what others feel, but I truly feel that no one will be able to take your memories away from you.

— Sambhawana Bhandari, Class X, Brihaspati Vidyasadan