Kids brave croc-filled river to reach school

A group of children in South Africa are putting themselves in danger every day by being forced to cross a river with crocodiles in it to get to school. Dozens of children in Sahlumbe village have to swim across the water after the boat they used to take was stolen. Children as young as seven have been getting across the river using tyres to keep afloat on the 10-minute journey. Now villagers are demanding that a bridge be built to stop the children putting themselves in danger. At the moment, the children’s only other choice is to take a 12-mile hike across the land. “There are about 70 households on that side of the river but there are no buses and no-one owns a car,” a local councillor said. The school’s headteacher said: “I worry all the time. There are dangerous animals in there, especially crocodiles.”