Living in Computer Age
The computer is a wonder of modern science. Due to the widespread use of computers, the age we are living in has come to be called the ‘Computer Age’. The computer is indeed a remarkable machine. To those who are not familiar with its functions, it appears totally mysterious. But what is even more remarkable is that the computer is constantly being improved upon. It is being taken to heights of sophistication. However, in spite of its seeming general popularity, the benefits and the necessities of the computer have been put into question by many people.
The benefits of the computer are obvious. It is used widely and for such a variety of purposes and this proves that it is of great use. Faster progress, better efficiency, quicker decisions are some of the advantages offered by computer.
One of the biggest advantages is that computers save time and labour. Because of the high speed at which they operate, computers can carry out even extremely complex calculations in a matter of minutes.
In a country like Nepal, where there is so much unemployment and where manpower is readily available and is relatively cheap, computers seem a luxury rather than a necessity. Computers are expensive and as they have to be imported make them an even bigger economic burden. At present, the country does not have enough literate and skilled persons. And due to computers they will be deprived of their employment opportunity.
Having considered various aspects of computerisation, the conclusion would be that computers are necessary. Computerisation should not be to put people out of employment but to bring efficiency in our system of management.
— Smriti Tuladhar,
Class IX, Triyog HS School