Make it a family affair

Parental involvement is one of the most overlooked aspects of education today. The fact is, many parents don’t realise how important it is to get involved in their children’s learning. As one dad said when he began to read to his daughter ever day and discovered that it improved her learning, “I never realised how much it would mean to her to hear me read.” Other parents would like to be involved, but have trouble finding the time.

All parents and family members should try to find the time and make the effort because research shows that when families get involved, their children:

• Get better grades and test scores

• Graduate from high school at higher rates

• Are more likely to go on to higher education

• Are better behaved and have more positive attitudes

• Family involvement is also one of the best investments a family can make.

And family involvement works for children at all grade levels.

What is ‘Family Involvement in Education’?

It’s a lot of different types of activities. Some parents and families may have the time to get involved in many ways. Other may only have the time for one or two activities. But whatever your level of involvement, remember: If you get involved and stay involved, you can make a world of difference.

Family involvement in education can mean:

• Reading a bedtime story to your child

• Checking homework every night

• Getting involved in PTA

• Discussing your children’s progress with teachers

• Helping your school to set challenging academic standards

• Limiting TV viewing to no more than two hours on school nights

• Getting personally involved in governing your school

• Becoming an advocate for better education in your community

Or, family involvement can be as simple as asking your children, “How was school today?” But ask every day. That will send your children the clear message that their schoolwork is important to you and you expect them to learn.