Weekend lounge: Happy at home

For fashion designer Yasmine Rana cuts and styles are not the only things that matter. Basically a homebody, she loves spending her weekends with her family or taking a walk with her dog

Ideally on a weekend I would like to relax with my family and friends being totally free from all my duties. I would love to explore the surroundings of the Valley.

However, on weekends I pamper myself by going for massage or acupuncture treatment. Then I also go for a brunch. I try out new places every time.

I work on Sundays so weekend for me is just one day.

On Saturday afternoons I like to relax at home. In the evenings I prefer going for a walk. I often take my dog with me.

Mostly I spend my time with my family by either reading or watching movies. I often go out to dinner. Where I go usually depends on the mood. I am basically a homebody.

On Friday evenings I take Tai chi classes as suggested by my daughter.