What to look for in your child’s school


At a time when education has become a means of business for many, guardians must be aware of whether their child is just going to be a business commodity or a good human being. In the name of service, many are doing good business through education. One can see schools at every nook and corner in the neighborhood. There is no limitation of the maximum number of students a school can have. In such a situation, guardians will have a difficult time trying to find the right school for their child. Here are some things they can look for while choosing a school for their child.


The school system revolves round leaders at schools. Parents should know whether or not the leadership in the school at question is dynamic, progressive, well-educated and professional. Many times schools’ approaches and philosophy directly reflects the vision of the leaders in the schools. Similarly knowing about the teaching staff work and how they work can be highly valuable for deciding on the right school. After all teachers are the people who directly interact with students.

Physical infrastructure:

This is yet another essential factor that should be taken under consideration. Does the school have enough physical set ups and requirements to fully support the need and development of the children? This is very crucial. There are schools, which do not have even a small play ground. In many casees, residential buildings are rented in a crowded area where there is hardly enough space for children to move around. Parents should also think about the classrooms, different sporting facilities, and clean and healthy environment among other things.

Adequate cocurricular activities:

Parents should find out whether or not the schools have enough and good system of varied extra curricular activities. These are necessary for school children. In the absence of such facilities, children remain stagnant. Mere classroom teaching and learning is not enough and complete. Rapid growth and development of school children also depend on various activities they undertake in schools apart from text book learning.

Fee structure:

At present there are as many different fee system as the schools. Fee is a core factor parents should know well beforehand. Parents should be able to bear the school fees along with other expenses before making decision to admit their child. Knowing about the fee structure of a school is the first step in the decision-making process in this regard.

Teaching, learning system:

It is equally beneficial and necessary for parents to know about the way teaching and learning is carried out in schools. The system of giving assignments, tests, evaluation process, and instructional system can be of much help to parents to assess the school.


In case the school is not in walking distance from residence, parents should make sure it has transpo-rtation service. Good schools must be free from noise pollution and sho-uld have enough space for children to grow. In a limited space and with lots of noise, development of a child is hampered.