GAESO, UK ministry talks ‘inconclusive’

Kathmandu, January 13:

The talks between the Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen Organisation (GAESO) and the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) on January 11 remained inconclusive as the latter continued to stick to its policy of not reviewing pension and other facilities of Nepali British Gurkhas retired before July 1, 1997.

Protesting the British government’s policy of discrimination against Gurkha soldiers, GAESO has been urging the UK MoD to review the facilities of former British Gurkhas. The GAESO has informed the UK government that it is also ready to seek a legal option. The GAESO is to present its basis for the review in writing to the UK MoD by February 20, the press statement said. The report of the International Investigation Commission on ex-British Gurkhas is to be produced in the House of Commons on February 6.