Draft submitted

KATHMANDU: Committee to Determine the Basis of Cultural and Social Solidarity on Monday submitted its initial draft on its part of the content of the new constitution to Constituent Assembly chairman Subas Nembang for further discussion at the CA’s full meeting. The draft includes conceptual details on the state policy with regard to language, culture and social solidarity. Nembang announced that the discussions on the draft would be held on June 25, 26 and 28 and July 1 and 2. In the report, Unified CPN-Maoist has recorded its dissent on using the term ‘armed conflict’, arguing that it should be replaced by ‘people’s movement’, while mentioning in the statute the causes of historic change in the country. It may be noted that the committee had held polls to finalise the term. The UCPN-M has also suggested that a ‘multi-lingual policy’ be adopted in the new law of the land.