President Bidya Devi Bhandari has urged everyone to follow public health related safety protocols against coronavirus infection, issued by the government, more strictly.
With a rapid rise in daily infections in the past week, following safety measures such as limiting outdoor exposure, washing hands, using masks, among others, have become important.
कोभिड–१९ महामारी विरुद्ध नेपाल सरकारको प्रभावकारी प्रतिकार्य रणनीति र नागरिकको धैर्यताका कारण यो नियन्त्रण उन्मुख रहेकोमा केही समययता संक्रमणको जोखिम पुनः बढेर गएको हुनाले सरकारले जारी गरेका जनस्वास्थ्यका सुरक्षात्मक उपायहरू अझ कडाईका साथ पालना गर्न म सबैमा हार्दिक आह्वान गर्दछु।
- Bidya Devi Bhandari (@PresidentofNP) April 17, 2021
President Bhandari shared that government's effective response strategy and the civic patience had almost controlled the rate of Covid-19 transmission, however, the infection risk has yet again escalated.
Nepal's total active cases stand at 5,545 at present while as many as 3,075 people have died due to the disease.