Residents of Civil Homes Housing Society deprived of water supply

Lalitpur, March 19

Residents of Civil Homes Housing Society in Sunakothi today presented a memorandum to Chief District Officer of Lalitpur, Deepak Kafle, against Civil Homes Private Limited Company.

The residents claimed that the company had locked the water processing plant and other infrastructures, effectively shutting off drinking water supply since Friday.

The residents have demanded that the lock be opened.

Mohan Prasad Khanal, a resident of the housing society, said company officials had forcefully entered the gated community and destroyed a segment of the wall to gain entry. “Our guards had not let them in, but they broke down the wall and came in,” he said.

The company has reportedly laid claim to the public property inside the housing society. Secretary of the housing society, Joshan Dev Baidhya, however, said that the residents had signed contract with the company where the latter had promised to hand over 191 homes in the community to residents, and also stated that the public property within the housing society could only be used by them.

Baidhya said the company had later refused to honour the contract, and has not even completed construction of infrastructures it had promised.

Chief District Officer Deepak Kafle directed the company to open the lock temporarily. He said, “It may take a long time for this case to settle, but it is wrong to deprive people of drinking water.”

Proprietor of Civil Homes Private Limited Ichhya Raj Tamang could not be reached for comments.