High blood pressure a silent killer

KATHMANDU: Nepal Blood Pressure Control Society is all set to mark the World Hypertension Day on May 17 by organising awareness programmes across the country on the risks of high blood pressure. The day will be marked with the slogan of the World Blood Pressure Association of ‘Salt and High Blood Pressure: Two Silent Killers’.

Issuing a press statement today, NBPCS said hypertension is the largest single killer agent that causes brain hemorrhage, cardiac arrest, paralysis and chronic kidney ailments, claiming the lives of tens of millions of people worldwide every year.

“Excess intake of salt (sodium) is the root cause of hypertension. The less salt you consume, less are the chances of hypertension,” read the statement. It also stated that more than 2.5 million lives would be saved every year if people worldwide reduced their daily consumption of salt by half.

Hypertension is also a silent killer as it hits human body without any prior symptoms. According to NBPCS, hypertension kills more than seven million people worldwide every year.

Generally, ideal blood pressure of a healthy adult should be 135 by 85. People exceeding that are more likely to develop hypertension.