International experts dwell on statute-making

Kavre, May 14:

A three-day international conference kicked off in Dhulikhel today with an aim to hold discussions on framing a new constitution. Twenty constitutional experts from Nepal and 14 from India, Germany and Indonesia are taking part in the conference organised by the Nepal

Contemporary Issues Study Centre (NCISC).

Speaking on the occasion, Indian ambassador Rakesh Sood laid emphasis on the need to undertake comparative study of constitutions of other countries while drafting a new constitution of Nepal. Framing of the new constitution should be taken as an opportunity as well as a challenge, Sood said. “India is ready to extend help to frame the new constitution,” he added. “India wishes to share its experience in constitution-writing.” He suggested framing a constitution that leads to social and economic change.

Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission and former chief justice Kedar Nath Upadhyaya said rule of law, equality of all languages, freedom and sustainable peace are what the country needs. People want the new constitution to guarantee their fundamental rights. “The CA election was held 60 years after Nepalis wanted it. Now the Nepalis themselves will frame the constitution.”

President of the NCISC Lok Raj Baral said the conference will hold discussions on how Nepal can be transformed into a federal state.