The Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration has directed the local levels to get their management audit conducted on a regular basis in line with the Management Audit Guideline, 2022.

The guideline aims to make the overall managerial aspects of public entities effective. The circular which is also published on the website of the MoFAGA states that management audit is conducted through inspection, supervision, monitoring, evaluation, inquiry and examination of services to be delivered by public entities. It strives to see whether public entities are working as per the annual plan, programme and budget.

According to a notice recently published by the MoFAGA, the guideline has defined management audit as a task that is performed to ascertain whether public entities, except the Public Service Commission, have complied with the existing polices, laws, administrative rules and procedures. The MoFAGA informed that matters pertaining to employee management, office management, grievance management, and administration, inventory and record management, also fell under the scope of management audit. The guideline has specified certain indicators for management audit of public entities.

The MoFAGA or its subordinate agencies carry out management audit of public entities on the basis of indicators. A team led by a gazetted second class officer will be deputed for management audit of public entities.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 24, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.