Maoists seeking commission, say builders
Nawalparasi, September 28:
Local contractors, who built infrastructure in a camp area of the Maoist People’s Liberation
Army (PLA), have accused the PLA of demanding 10 per cent of the total tender money.
However, the Maoists have denied seeking any commission.
Builders said the Maoists have asked for cuts from the contractors who built infrastructure in the division headquarters at Lyaltungdanda, sub-camp at Hattikhor, roads in Jargaha and Sainamaina area and roads.
Nawalparasi builders’ association president Punya Prasad Poudel said that the Maoists demanded donation from a group led by overseer Shiv Pandey of the Lyaltungdanda roads division 4 office.
Poudel said that Pandey had admitted that division commander Prateeksha sent Maoist fighters to demand the donation.
The road leading to the Maoist cantonment and the sub-camps was built at a total cost of two crore rupees. Pandey said that the Maoists had said they would not be satisfied
with less than 10 per cent of the tender money of the project. Overseer Pandey and the builders’ association today held talks in this regard.
Poudel said though the association has refused to pay up, the Maoists are keeping up the pressure. Nine tenders were accepted for the construction of the road, he said.
He further added that the Maoists scooped up four of the tenders and later sold these to other contractors at a 17 per cent profit.