Nepalis build Hindu temple in Colorado

Kathmandu, February 26:

The first Nepali Sanatan Community Temple has been established at Denver in Colorado, USA, at the initiative of the Nepali community residing there.

According to reports from Colorado, the temple — that occupies around 14,000 square feet of land — was established with the inspiration of His Holiness Shree 108 Swami Tahal Kishorji Maharaj. President of the Radha Krishna Organisation, Maharajji was born in Nepal, but grew up and was educated in India.

Shyam Shrestha, Shanti Shrestha, Jeevan Shrestha and Renu Shrestha who jointly shared the initial financial burden of $350,000 to purchase the building and land have become the Board of Trustees. The inauguration ceremony was held in the presence of Maharajji.

A statue of Lord Pashupatinath has been ordered from Nepal and statues of Lord Radha Krishna, Jai Jagadamba, Ram Darbar and Shiva Darbar have been ordered from Jaipur, India. The installation of the statues are to be conducted according to Vedas in upcoming Janmasthami, it is learnt.

At the inauguration ceremony, 86 people made donations and a total of $86,086 were collected.