CM Raut unveils 11-point paper
Dhanusha, February 26
Chief Minister of Province 2, Lalbabu Raut Gaddi, has unveiled a commitment paper.
The 11-point commitment letter issued amidst a press meet at the CM’s residence today aims to maintain good governance in the province comprising eighth districts.
Full implementation of good governance, adoption of zero-tolerance policy against corruption, control of policy-level corruption and no dillydallying in execution of daily administrative activities, and delivery of government services to service seekers within 24 hours of the demand are included in the paper.
Additionally, establishment of Hello Sarkar (the government mechanism to listen to public grievances) and provision of a toll free number to register issues have been promised in the paper.
People shall have access to mail ID and other electronic means of communications so that they could directly report public complaints to the Chief Minister’s office.
Media shall be mobilised to operate a programme ‘the Chief Minister with the People’ for face-to-face straight conversations between the chief minister and people.
The provincial government shall carry out regular market monitoring to control black-marketing and bring a required policy to regulate and systematise alcoholic beverage market and control encroachment of natural resources.