Tharus for struggle to secure representation in CA
Kathmandu, November 5:
Activists have stressed the need to launch a struggle to ensure proportionate representation of Tharu community in the upcoming election to Constituent Assembly.
“This is the most important time to struggle for our existence and secure our rights. All the indigenous nationalities including Tharus should fight for their appropriate representation in the election to CA and secure their future,” said Bijaya Singh Lopchan president of Tamang Students Ghedung while addressing the third valley conference of Tharu Students Society (TSS) here yesterday.
He also said opportunity like this would not come again and people would have to wait for decades and sacrifice a lot. He also said the political leaders have forgotten the sentiments of the people’s movement and do not talk about the rights of the indigenous nationalities and their demands.
Highlighting the role of young generation during all changes, president of Tharu Mahila Jagaran Fulmati Chaudhary said its time to unite and fight for rights.
“Women have been under-represented,” she said urging all the males to bring the female members of their families along with them to participate in political programmes.