Cold and poll
Mornings are colder and dresses worn are thicker. Things are frigid because we are already in the middle of Mangsir. Mangsir has an unique significance in Nepalese society. Many marriageable couples wait for this month for their marriage. It bonds various couples to the tie of kinship for ages.
The same month has become fertile in the politics of Nepal. It has set dates for the provincial and parliamentary polls in two different phases.
The voters of the first phase constituencies have already cast their votes, and the second phase voters are on the process of doing so. The chilly mornings start with the warm debates of the elections.
Election is the time to use our self consciousness. It is the time to identify good candidates who can be true companions to deal with the pains and miseries of the common people. Candidates need our votes, and we need their work for the development of our area. Selfless candidates are the real need of the current time. Priorities should be given to those candidates who can work for the development of the country and people.
If the leaders have qualities, they can automatically increase quantities. The common people judge the qualities as per their skills for development. They believe upon action rather than on speeches. They do not want any false sympathy.
During elections, all representatives of political parties try to draw attentions of voters for speedy development but right after winning the elections most of them forget their promises.
As unity is strength, a unique relationship is essential now among the candidates and the common people. This relationship can be maintained by forming a new identity. The name of new identity should be development. This is because the common people are in favour of progress and change. Positive change is the need of the time. Development changes the countenance of country and creates opportunities for the people. It even supports peace and prosperity.
The candidates should be determined to come above their political parties and work as representatives of the common people. As we have tested many faces, this time we have to use our self reasoning to identify the suitable candidates.
Only then this month of polls can strengthen the tie of leaders and voters for the years to come. It can also provide a sense of warmth among the voters who have been left cold by the activities of the candidates. Let’s think seriously and cast votes for progress.