Common factor — II
Ken Wilber
When you find a few essential items that all, or virtually all, of the world’s great religions agree on, you have probably found something incredibly important about the human condition, at least as important as, say, a few things that physicists can manage to agree on.
What are these spiritual similarities? I’ll come back to those shortly, honest. For now, simply notice what it would mean if there were a handful of general items that regularly recur in humanity’s attempts to know God (and presumably God’s correlative attempts to reach a slumbering humanity, if God indeed exists).
These similarities would seem to suggest, among other things, that there are spiritual patterns at work in the universe, at least as far as we can tell, and these spiritual patterns announce themselves with impressive regularity wherever human hearts and minds attempt to attune themselves to the cosmos in all its radiant dimensions.
And that would mean, would have to mean, that
the standard-issue human being is hardwired for spiritual realities.
That is, the human organism itself seems to be hardwired for these deep spiritual patterns, although not necessarily for the specific ways that they show up in a particular religion important as those are.
Rather, the human being seems imbued by the realities suggested by these cross-cultural spiritual currents and patterns, with which individual religions and spiritual movements resonate, according to their own capacities and to their own degrees of fidelity. The simple recognition of these deep spiritual patterns would be the glimmering of an integral spirituality. —