CREDOS : Releasing fear — II
Just let nature surround you, and if you have a question, present it to nature. Nature has all the answers, and you can talk to a tree about how to deal with all the changes that a tree has to deal with: environment, weather. Or a stream or a bird — they’ll have answers for you. When you’re done conversing with nature, continue your journey.
You’ll see a large house with a beautiful garden. Enter it and allow the aromas and the sights and colours of the garden to bring you a feeling of peace and then enter the house and explore it from the attic to the basement. What is the living room like? What does the kitchen feel like? What’s sto-red in closets? Take a look.
As you walk through the house, you’ll hear a baby begin to cry. Go to the sound, go to the nursery where the baby is. When you look in, you’ll see an infant in a crib crying. Stop and think of that baby as representing what you most fear. Then walk over and pick up the baby. Watch what happens as you embrace it. When you feel ready, you can put down the baby and your fear, and walk away.
Come out once again into the garden and the sunshine, and walk over to the pond and look at your image. Become one with that image and who you are. When you feel like “one,” then turn and begin your journey toward that beautiful light that you see off in the distance, and know that on your way you’ll meet many guides who can help you. All you have to do is ask and reach out, and they will be there. — (Concluded)