CREDOS : The ultimate truth
Aum, the ultimate truth is not far away. In fact, it is even closer than we are to ourselves. But still we go on missing it, as we have been missing it for countless lives. So much so that it has become our habit to go on missing it. As long as we are unable to transcend our material desires, it is only natural that we distance ourselves from God, or the ultimate truth.
And unless the divine is our experience, the belief is futile. It does not help us attain our divinity in its truest sense. On the contrary, it hinders the pursuit of knowledge. The belief becomes deception. It doesn’t become an opening, but instead closes our doors to enlightenment. It makes us knowledgeable without actually knowing and no intimate experience of the ultimate truth.
Remember, untruth is not such a great hindrance as the belief in the truth. Osho says that Aum may be our experience, may our speech be rooted in the mind and our mind rooted in our speech. The nearest is so near that we cannot look at it, because even to look at something a certain distance is needed, space is needed. And there is no space between us and the divine; there is no space between the fish and the ocean — no gap.
The fish is part of the ocean, just like a wave; or the ocean is just the infinite spread of the being of the fish. They are not two; they exist together, their being is joined together. Their bodies may appear different but their inner spirit is one — it is unitary.