Your Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama: You are worried. Or so you told the German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau the other day. Worried that fellow Tibetans are getting impatient about your peaceful approach. Worried that those advocating non-peaceful ways may “fall into the trap set by the Han people” and lend the latter the coveted excuse to justify “violent suppression”.
You are no ordinary publicist. You know when to say what to which audience. That is why your apparent innocence and sensational stories of Tibet’s past and present have sold so well — to some audiences. But a quick note to Your Holiness - a little more respect for the truth, the real truth — may do tremendous good to your credibility.
Not everyone in your audience is as ignorant about Tibet as a piece of white paper, where you can doodle as you wish. We understand your frustration regarding the designation of a Serfs’ Liberation Day. But please do not worry. Nobody is identifying that with Tibetan culture, or your religion. Your Holiness told the Germans the Han people have a “long-term, more important strategy” to uproot your language and culture. But facts on the ground show how well the Tibetan language and culture has been preserved and promoted. We think there are holes in Your Holiness’ argument. —China Daily