MIDWAY: Positive thinking
I recently came across an enlightening book called “Science of Thought” by Khaptad Baba. Every word of the book seemed to be filled with insight and hope. It was while reading it that I realised the importance of positive thinking.
Earlier, I had hardly paid any attention to my thoughts, whether they were positive or negative. I seemed to have no control over my feelings and was a virtual slave to my mind. But, with time, I have learned to think positively. American scientist Thomas Alva Edison reportedly failed 999 times before he came up with the light bulb. Yes, he succeeded on his 1,000th attempt. When asked how he managed to keep himself motivated in spite of repeated failures, he said: “Whenever it didn’t work, I would never say that I failed. I just said that I’ve found another incorrect way to make a lamp”. This is perhaps the best example of the value of positive thinking even in the most dismal of circumstances.
The ever-declining morale of today’s youth can easily be reversed through positive thinking. Thinking, if not channelised properly, can be destructive. We find that even those people with great minds have resorted to mayhem and destruction as they have not been able to channelise their thoughts towards obtaining positive results. Instead, all our efforts should be directed towards encourging creative and positive thoughts and reaping benefits. Anger, aggression and egomania always lead to doom.
Positive thinking brings out the best in us by directing our creativity towards a constructive and positive end. For this, we need to have the right attitude. For everyone has the capacity to think but only those willing to engage their mind in constructive thoughts achieve results. Similarly, one’s life should not be self-serving but directed towards the good of others. This is the only surefire way to attain happiness. One should exude goodness that it may be emulated by those around us in order to foster a climate of personal as well as social development.
Positive thinking builds an aura around us that radiates to other minds. Even though we are all mortals, yet, while we live, we can choose to lead a happy and contented life by thinking positively and directing our goal towards a positive end.