MIDWAY: Thrills and spills
I must confess to having had my share of excitement — enough to last a lifetime. Some drift with the eddies and currents whilst others are swept away never to regain their footing. Comparing life to rafting may not give a complete picture but some aspects do coincide.
The river is unforgiving to the weak who do not take the plunge. But it can provide a valuable lesson to the bold and reveal its hidden secrets. There are those who scoff at the very idea of high adventure and do not stir from their homes — not knowing what they have missed out.
The challenges of life can be confronted at every bend. These assume a form that can never be downsized. While it has its merits and demerits it possesses a spark to enthrall one. Thus an individual with a nervous disposition is likely to break down if exposed to too much excitement. The hardy thrive on what life has to offer and negotiate their way with dexterity.
The thrills and spills have their relation to the concourse of life itself. There are intrepid adventurers who are thrill seekers and look for an opportunity to spill themselves. But these are few and do not advertise their presence. So no one really knows what they are up to.
Many people do not budge from their inner sanctum. Life seems to lose its flavour and everything is tinged with grayness. Only small surprises are in store for them and not the unexpected which venturing out can provide. When this happens one can easily lose oneself in a cocoon and life becomes a routine.
Going through the motions of living does not take much action and it is only the brave-hearted who find zest, meaning and a purpose of existence. And in between these extremes are those like the majority who either do not care a fig or are listless about shaking a leg or two. This is not to say that one should risk everything on one venture. Careful planning can reduce the risk factor to where there is none at all. Even ordinary folks can have a high adrenaline. They can look for it at unlikely places and learn to face the unexpected. But they must have an inquisitive mind and be fit to handle emergencies. Though these may not be to their liking, yet they can develop a love for it and embrace life.