MIDWAY: Tomorrow does come
It’s a common human trait — we all need a taste of the bitter things in life to stop questioning their very undesirable existence.
We are fairly good at nitpicking about the natural order of things as it is and when we confront yet another issue, we like to push it aside — ignore it, convince ourselves that we’ll deal with it later and turn our attention to happier or more desirable things.
What we repeatedly forget is that these things have a way of making their way back into our lives, when we least expect them to intrude into our lives. We had been warned of the global energy crisis decades ago — back when people must have brushed it off assuming it was the problem of a completely different and established generation — ones that would definitely have better alternatives, ones that probably wouldn’t even look like them.
The first time I read that fossil fuels were fast diminishing, I thought they were inflating the facts — it had seemed too far-fetched... Now that the worrying symptoms are back again, I am convinced that I was not the only one. The crisis we are grappling with these days pervades common lives.
One wise man once stated in flat, unadorned words — tomorrow never comes — the mountain of things that we stack for “some other day” never gets done. Today’s man refuses to see its underlying implication. Today’s man has naively twisted it against itself and to his ease — tomorrow never comes, so why bother about it?
The truth, which needs to be put in his terms, is that tomorrow does come. It comes right at you and it comes on harder when you are unprepared for it.
Once it falls heavy on your shoulders, you can’t shrug it off — it’s your tomorrow and it belong to you. And there’s no turning back because they haven’t figured out the time machine yet.
So, it is wiser to try and do what’s right before that day. Else our tomorrow will go right past us leaving us a yesterday that might have been different.
And besides, tomorrow holds not only the price of our follies and foibles but also the fruits of our efforts. No matter where we stand today, tomorrow can change everything. Because tomorrow, like they say, is another day.