TOPICS:Peer pressure

Try yaar. Have a puff. You will feel as if you are at top of the world and your all problem and tensions will vanish.” When a friend of Sameer offered a cigarette to him, he was very reluctant initially, but when his other friends also coaxed him, he could not resist. And within no time smoking became his habit. This is enough to

show the degree to which an individual can go when the peer are at the forefront of going the persuasion

way even for what may not be considered the right thing to do.

Making decisions on your own for teenagers is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressurize them one way or another it can be even harder. People who are of same age, like classmate, are called peers. When they try to influence how one should act, to get them to do something, it’s called peer pressure. It’s something everyone has to deal with-even adults.

Adolescence is the stage when teenagers desperately feel the need to fit in and surrender to pressure with little persuasion. Psychologists describe peer pressure as a group in encouraging a person to change their attitude, behaviors or morals, to conform to, like, the group’s action, fashion sense, taste in music, and films, change in lifestyle or outlook on life.

Peer influence our life, even if we don’t realize it, just by spending time with us. We learn from them, and they learn from us. It’s only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in a particular age group, especially in the teens.

Peer pressure has a negative as well as brighter side. Bad peer pressure is being compelled into doing something that a teenager didn’t want to do because her/his friends said that you should. Good or positive peer pressure, on the other hand, is being pushed into something that you didn’t have the courage to do or just didn’t occur to you.

Positive peer pressure when one’s peers attempts to help one change something about themselves of the better may have an equally strong influence on a susceptible mind.

Like, having peers who are committed and want to achieve their ambition can persuade you to become more goal-oriented.

Knowing who to listen to and who to avoid is the biggest step in fighting unwanted, negative peer pressure.