Best suffers ‘worst night’
London, November 24
Football legend George Best had his “worst night so far” since he was admitted to hospital nearly two months ago with life-threatening infections, Sky News TV said. “Doctors worked throughout the night to try to stabilise him” and that the former Northern Ireland and Manchester United winger “is in a very bad way,” according to Sky News. “We’re being told that it’s a bad day for everybody who likes George,” the Sky News said.
Best’s doctor Roger Willi-ams said he was suffering internal bleeding and was put back on a ventilator after a “disturbed night”. Best was taken to hospital with an infection thought to be linked to immuno-suppressant drugs used to help prevent his body rejecting the new liver he received in 2002. His health deteriorated rapidly at the end of October when he developed a kidney infection. He had been making progress until last week when he suffered a setback, developing a lung infection.