
Scarring effects



Young people are losing jobs faster than adults, but targeted policies can help them re-engage with the labour market. The COVID-19 pandemic is set to have significant 'scarring effects' on the life chances of young people.

They are being hit harder than adults in the massive disruption to labour markets caused by lockdowns, quarantines and the steep drop in economic activity.

In addition, their vulnerable position in making the difficult school-to-work transition, and their short-term engagement in the world of work means that they may also bear higher longerterm economic and social costs.

They are suffering a double impact from both layoffs and work-hour reductions on the labour demand side and disruptions to education and training on the supply side. The COVID-19 crisis risks creating a 'lockdown generation'.

Our research, in partnership with the International Labour Organization, found that people aged 15 to 24 – defined by the UN as youth - are losing jobs at a faster rate than those over the age of 25 during the pandemic.


A version of this article appears in the print on February 16, 2021, of The Himalayan Times.