
Tribeni municipality starts regular medical check-up service

By Prakash Singh

Tribeni Municipality in Bajura district has started regular check-up, June 11, 2021. Photo: Prakash Singh/THT


Tribeni Municipality has started regular medical check-up service on Friday.

The Municipality has appointed Dr Salina Shrestha on a temporary contract basis for the service, according to the Chief of the Municipality Ram Singh Rawal.

The regular-check up will run alongside the operation of Tribeni Temporary Covid Hospital, and it includes services such as regular OPD, dressing, suturing, incision and drainage, Covid-19 check-up, among other facilities, shared Chief Administrative Officer at the hospital Chiranjibi Shah.

The hospital has a doctor, two staff nurses and three office assistants. It aims to bring x-ray, lab service and emergency services into operation soon.

Dr Salina shares that the patients will also be provided with counseling facilities after their regular check-up.

Furthermore, the women of the village would now be able to open up without hesitance with a female doctor to receive counselling from.