
Moderna vaccine to be administered to 12-18 age group

The campaign this time will target the school children in 15 hilly districts

By THT Online

The government is preparing to administer Moderna manufactured Covid-19 vaccine to people beloging to 12-18 age-group, beginning this week.


The government is preparing to administer Moderna manufactured Covid-19 vaccine to people belonging to 12-18 age-group, beginning this week.

According to the Family Welfare Division, as many as 188,000 doses of Moderna vaccine procured through the COVAX facility would be distributed to the children of 15 hilly districts via schools.

Previously, authorities had administered Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer to the same age group.

The government has already purchased 4 million doses of Moderna vaccine and 6 million doses of Pfizer vaccine for 12-18 year olds.