
Bajura's Martadi connected to National Transmission Line

By Prakash Singh

A view of Martadi, the district headquarters of Bajura, on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Photo: Prakash Singh/ THT


Martadi, the district headquarters of Bajura has been connected to the National Transmission Line.

With this, 2,175 households of Martadi and surrounding areas have been linked to the grid.

Residents of the district headquarters that had been experiencing 6-10 hours of daily load shedding are overjoyed with recent developments.

The national transmission line has been linked to function in and around Martadi, informed Lalit Kumar Mandal, Head of Bajura Distribution Centre of NEA.

The connection process began on January 21 while Martadi distribution centre has been providing regular service from the evening of January 24, Mandal added.

The civil society backed by political parties, businesspeople, and locals had agitated for three days and padlocked the NEA office in Martadi, claiming that the rise in load shedding was due to mismanagement in the electricity supply.

In response to the agitation, the distribution center linked the district headquarters to national transmission line.

Prior to this, the source of energy supply in the region was the 200 kW-Bajura Small Hydropower Centre.

However, as the output of the hydropower plant could not keep up with the rising local demand, areas here were regularly subjected to load shedding.

Although the national transmission line had reached areas close to Martadi, it had not been extended further. Now that area is connected with the national grid, Martadi and its environs will be served with an 11,000 voltage line until a substation is constructed in Bajura.

After the construction of the substation, a 33 kV line will be provided to the area, informed Mandal.

The Sub Station is being constructed at Ukhadi, near Martadi.