
Gender data



Next year marks the 10-year anniversary of the World Development Report 2012 on gender and development. Gender data is essential as we revisit remaining obstacles to the promise of productive and self-determined lives for women and girls globally: to measure and report on progress achieved and to design meaningful policies moving forward. Gender data go well beyond sex-disaggregation.

Contrary to popular belief, gender data is not only on women or women's issues but encompass the full range of the life cycle intersecting with all sectors from getting a proper ID at birth to accessing quality education to getting a decent job to using public transport and feeling safe at home and in public spaces. Gender data also pays specific attention to women and men's different realities and how those interact with other forms of individual characteristics. The foundation for designing effective policies that benefit women and men, girls and boys, gender data is often incomplete, methodologically flawed, or completely lacking.

A version of this article appears in the print on February 9, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.