Local levels told to implement NIC directives
Published: 10:31 am Aug 07, 2022
The Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration has issued a circular to all local levels, directing them to fully implement a recent order issued by the National Information Commission.
The NIC on July 21 had drawn attention of the MoFAGA over breach of the Right to Information Act, 2007 by some local levels.
A section of local levels were found to have put only the name of information officer on their websites without providing their details and contact number in a manner to widen the distance between the public bodies and the citizens wish to get information of public concern.
In response, the MoFAGA yesterday asked all the local levels to provide necessary details, including the name of their information officer, designation, contact number (mobile and landline), room number at office and email address, among others, on the website. Citizens seeking information have been deprived of their right to information owing to the breach of existing legal provisions.
Recently, the NIC had also issued an 11-point directive to the mayors/ chairpersons of the local levels regarding compliance with the Right to Information Act and financial transparency.
As per the directives, the local levels will have to draft their respective laws without keeping citizens in the dark regarding matters allowed to be kept confidential in line with the Act.
Section 3 of the Act states that public bodies will be authorised to withhold such information that jeopardises sovereignty, integrity, national security, public peace, stability, and international relations of Nepal that directly affect investigation, inquiry and prosecution of crimes; which can seriously impact protection of economic, trade or monetary interest, intellectual property, and banking or trade privacy that jeopardises the harmonious relationship subsisting among various castes or communities.
The local levels have also been told to hold open discussion and receive feedback from the general public while formulating laws, policies, budget and programme to ensure their participation.
'The local levels are urged to disclose information about their decisions through website, notice board and local media. In addition, it will be their duty to disclose the statement of income and expenditure of local levels on a monthly basis,' read a press release issued by the NIC.
According to the NIC, the local levels will also have to make provisions for public dissemination of progress report of the approved budget and programme, disclose information related to remuneration and facilities provided to elected representatives and employees, and submit their property details to the bodies concerned within the stipulated time.
A version of this article appears in the print on August 7, 2022 of The Himalayan Times.