
KP Oli reiterates need of high level probe panel


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CPN-UML Chair KP Sharma Oli said that a high level probe committee was necessary to investigate the gold smuggling case.

Speaking at a press conference here today, the leader of the opposition said that only a high-level probe committee could reach the bottom of the gold smuggling case.

Oli said the CIB-led investigation of the gold smuggling case was being conducted under a superintendent of police who could succumb to pressure from his higher-up SSP. He said the connection with the racketeers could be clearly seen. 'We have seen reports that telephone contacts were established with the gold smuggling racketeers 234 times.

Today, a daily newspaper reported that CPN-Maoist Centre leader Krishna Bahadur Mahara and his son had telephonic conversation with Chinese gold smuggling racketeers 22 times and 234 times respectively.

Oli stressed he never said the allegation that Nepali Congress lawmaker Sunil Sharma had obtained fake academic certificate could not be probed. He, however, maintained that launching a probe against him at this time when he had demanded the resignation of ministers more than raised eyebrows. Oli said Sharma was arrested after a political cadre was told to lodge a complaint against him. If such arrests are made after getting complaints lodged by political cadres, everybody could become a victim of false indictment, Oli added.

He said rumour was being spread that all political leaders would be probed and they would be put in jail. He said the home minister should take responsibility for gold smuggling.

Oli said that a parliamentary probe committee would not give any result as the ruling parties had clear majority in the Parliament and they would seek their majority in the parliamentary probe committee.

Oli said that the government had failed to deliver service and make policies in favour of the people and hence the government should resign.

Stating that the economy was in shambles, Oli said that a situation could arise in a few months when Nepalis would not be able to buy enough goods with what they earned.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 14, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.