
Dilapidated suspension bridges put locals' lives at risk


Image: Bajura district/Google maps


Suspension bridges in Himali Rural Municipality, Bajura, are at high risk after the three levels of government failed to repair them.

Locals are compelled to use the dilapidated suspension bridges over the local rivers. The bridges are in sorry state even though the governments have changed time and again. Locals said that a suspension bridge over Bichhayan River in the rural municipality has been dilapidated for many years and no one has paid attention to repair it.

A local Parbadhan Budha, 28, of Debalsain said that the condition of the suspension bridge over Bichhayan River was in sorry state since his childhood. Many officials from government and non-government offices have walked across the bridge. 'But they have paid no attention to repair the bridge,' he added.

The locals change the planks in three to four years. The locals cross the river on risky bridge. Almost all bridges in the district were constructed with wood. But many of the suspension bridges lack even wood. The locals are also compelled to cross the wooden bridge over Siudi River. Students of Bichhayan Secondary School have been facing the problems due to lack of comfortable bridges. Locals said that they have complained many times about the condition of the bridge, but in vain.

Locals crossed the rivers with ropes to reach Gumba Village due to lack of bridge over two of the local rivers. They cannot cross the river even in the winter season. As many as eight people have lost their lives so far while crossing the river due to lack of bridge. Similarly, livestock have also drowned due to the same reason.

People heading towards Himali areas to collect medicinal herbs have also been facing problems due to the lack of bridge. They said that they were compelled to walk on the risky road to reach the health post in Martadi from Gumba. Locals said that seven years had already gone, but the local government had not bothered to repair the bridges.

Wards 1, 2, and 3 of Himali Rural Municpality are remote and undeveloped villages in Bajura. It takes three days to reach the rural municipality from Bajura's Martadi.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 17, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.