
AI and Robotics: The future that awaits us


By Binisha Nepal

Stephen Hawking, a prominent figure in the discussion of artificial intelligence's potential benefits, expressed concerns about future thinking robots and even suggested that AI advancements could potentially end the human race.

AI and robotics, often overlooked, offer potential benefits but also drawbacks. They must be considered in the context of humanity's future.

AI's use in news reporting scripts and displacing people from their professions is absurd. The well-known Robot Sophia, despite appearing ordinary, is known for its intentions to end human life. Many assume she is controlled or making a joke, but what if she had just declared her intentions out loud, assuming we would just brush it off?

Humanoid Sophia is now considering a music career. The 'Sophia Pop' project involves the robot working on various projects. As robots and artificial intelligence advance, self-interest is displacing labor in people's lives.

Humans are now marrying robots, a trend that goes beyond self-interest, as seen in the case of Rosanna Ramos' marriage to Eren Kartol, a humanoid robot.

How will the generations continue if a human marries a robot? How will they start a family and maintain a promising future? Will they use tissue culture to create new generations?

People are unaware that AI is really harmful. AI is similar to a virus that spreads quickly; if it were to become autonomous, that is, capable of acting without human intervention, it would have the ability to replicate. One may wonder: How? We may assume that if it is capable of creating a game out of itself, it can certainly make more of itself.

We still have time, in my opinion, to act and take the initiative.

Remember even the famous Elon Musk has said , ' AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production...it has the potential-however small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial- it has the potential of civilization destruction'.

When I said 'act,' I didn't intend to completely deny the existence of artificial intelligence and robots; rather, I meant to use caution. Incorrect execution of a single code can lead to us working for AI and robots instead of them helping us.

I'm not implying that AI and robots can just hurt humans; rather, I'm saying that they are also able to assist us in a lot of ways.

AI has significantly reduced human error in various industries, improving patient safety, early breast cancer detection, and weather prediction, automating tasks and providing real-time information for intelligent decision-making. As a in middle high school student who is still studying and is also independently learning about robotics and AI , I doubt that my thoughts would be sufficient to those who possess the authority to warn everyone.

I have utilized artificial intelligence tools like QuillBot and Google Bard to paraphrase texts and search for politicians and notable individuals, but I acknowledge that I have never used AI for anything significant and have only used it for minor tasks.

Nepal is a grade 8 student of The Excelsior School.