Bista pleads for foreign support
Bista pleads for foreign support
Published: 12:00 am May 19, 2005
Himalayan News Service
Kathmandu, May 18:
Vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, Kirti Nidhi Bista, today urged the international community for enhanced support in Nepal’s fight against terror and her effort to stren-gthen democratic process.
“The international community should resolutely work together for conflict prevention, peace keeping and peace building,” he said at a national seminar organised to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Nepal joining the UN.
He expressed the government’s commitment “to protect the lives people and put the democratic process on right track.”
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ramesh Nath Pandey, said security, stability and development of smaller and vulnerable countries need to be understood in a wider context of international peace and security.
UN resident representative Matthew Kahane urged political leaders to act boldly to restore peace and democracy, so that Nepal could achieve the Millennium Development Goals on her part.