
Magic of honesty

Magic of honesty

By Brabim Karki

Honesty is a benign part of our life. It is one of the most essential assets and not everyone possesses it. William Shakespeare says no legacy is as rich as honesty is. It is the best policy. When something is done with commitment and honesty, success isn’t far to reach. It adds up to our value. The secret of life is honesty, and there is a marvellous magic in it. It is said that honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. Honesty will never break you. Who doesn’t love and respect an honest person? All do. It adds up the value of him or her. Honesty lasts for a long period. Temporarily, one can get away by being dishonest but in the long run it is honesty that pays. Honesty is very rare nowadays. We lack the courage to stand for what we believe in. We are cowed by fear. We emphasize more on our image. We do many things to impress others and do not listen to what we should believe in. Honesty starts with being ourselves, and doing what we believe in though it may not be always popular. But it will let us become ourselves and enable us to follow our dreams. How often have you had a dream, something you just knew in your heart what you wanted and could do, but because you had no idea how to do it, you dismissed it? And if you did pursue it, you did what most people do: you took that dream of yours and shrank it until it was only a tiny fraction of what you could have accomplished and was just big enough to fit into the box of your comfort zone. We take other’s dreams as we aren’t honest with ourselves. We chose to be a doctor though we want to be an artist because we aren’t honest with ourselves. The most important part in love and any relationship is honesty. Many lie and also cheat others and themselves. One of my friends had an affair with two girls at the same time. He was lying to both of them and the relationships did not last long. Dishonesty cannot last long. Many of our leaders are not honest. As a result there are rampant problems of corruption and chaos in the country. If they were really honest with the people, we would have developed a lot by now. But they are more confined to acquire power and money. An honest and committed leader can develop the country but they are rare here. Honesty is the cornerstone of all success. An honest person can nestle in everyone’s eye and is respected by all. Honesty cannot be expected from cheap people, and one should have the guts to be true to oneself and also others.