
TechCamp aims to find technological solutions to protect migrant workers

TechCamp aims to find technological solutions to protect migrant workers

By Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, September 1 The US Embassy in Nepal has been supporting TechCamp Nepal in the Capital to bring civil society organisations working on migration and trafficking issues together with local and international technology experts to find low-cost, easy-to-implement technological solutions to benefit Nepali migrant workers. In preparation for TechCamp Nepal, Humanity United, partner organisation of the programme, hosted a four-day migration learning tour across the country for a group of technology developers, designers, and Nepali entrepreneurs to understand challenges faced by Nepali migrant workers. Participants in the three-day event include the Microsoft Innovation Centre, Facebook/, businesses and entrepreneurs, technology developers, civil society groups, and government representatives from Nepal, the US and Qatar. TechCamp Nepal participants will develop technology-based solutions to combat trafficking in persons by giving migrants access to information on fees, the basics of employment contracts, and relevant laws. These tech solutions can help workers better protect themselves at home and where they work. “Migrant workers constitute a driving force in Nepal’s economy. The US government supports efforts to reduce the risk of abuse and exploitation that these workers face overseas,” said John L Carwile, chargé d’affaires at TechCamp Nepal’s opening today. TechCamps are technology-focused, capacity-building workshops on specific issues hosted around the world by US State Department since 2011.