
Moments over Fyris

Moments over Fyris

By Amol

It was almost evening when we came out of the room yesterday. There were two reasons: the first one was the zero balance in my mobile which forced me in digital divide and the second reason was the free university wi-fi in the university premises. We recharged our mobile buying a card of SEK 100; the amount which could easily have bought me a talk-time of 32 hours back in Nepal. This was already my second card in 15 days since my arrival in Sweden and I am sure I could not even talk for an hour with this recharged money. After the story of recharge card, let’s quickly move on to what happened while we were returning from University premises after using free internet. It was almost dark and in the Fyris river, which flows across and almost from the heart of Uppsala, we saw beautiful reflection of lights that came from a restaurant, in the bank of river. We halted there for a while, to capture the beautiful moments being created from the combination of light, water and off-course the dark.

— visitloma.blogspot.com