ARV treatment doing wonders
ARV treatment doing wonders
Published: 06:35 am Oct 20, 2015
Chitwan, October 19 Women infected with HIV/AIDS have started giving birth to safe children in Chitwan.Regular consumption of antiretroviral drugs has enabled HIV-infected mothers to give birth to HIV-free children. As many as 64 mothers with HIV have delivered babies at AIDS Health Foundation of Bharatpur Hospital so far since 2007. Of them, only three were born with HIV. Foundation Programme Coordinator Krishna Hari Sapkota said if both the HIV-infected parents took medicines regularly, their children would not be infected with the virus. Data at the foundation showed that eight HIV positive mothers had delivered HIV-free babies in 2014. Similarly, five HIV-infected mothers gave birth to HIV-free children as of August, 2015. According to Coordinator Sapkota, people with HIV from Chitwan, Gorkha, Dhading, Makawanpur, Nawalparasi visit the foundation for treatment. An HIV infected mother said regular consumption of ARVdrugs could save the unborn child from being infected with the virus. Kamala Adhikary (name changed) from Meghauli had tested positive for HIV five years ago. Her husband Bikash had been infected with the virus while working in India. However, Kamala delivered two healthy babies. A test has confirmed that both their children are HIV-free as the couple had been taking ARV drugs regularly. Dr Unnat Shrestha at the hospital said Kamala had put an end to the illusion that women with HIV should not give birth to children.