
Odd-even number system in Panchthar

Odd-even number system in Panchthar

By Mausam

PHIDIM: District Administration Office (DAO), Panchthar, has decided to operate vehicles on the basis of odd and even number in the district from Wednesday. Purushottam Ghimire, Chief District Officer of Panchthar, said the agreement has been reached between the transport entrepreneurs and stakeholders yesterday, to operate odd number vehicle in odd date and vice-versa. He stressed that the fuel scarcity created due to the unofficial blockade by India has compelled them to apply the odd and even system to minimise the difficulty. Security agencies and ambulance have been exempt from this rule. The rules, however, will be strictly applied to two-wheelers and four wheelers in the district, he informed. The DAO has started to monitor the vehicles charging extremely citing the fuel crisis. The administration has also returned the money of the victim passengers who were compelled to pay high fare.