House panel seeks people’s suggestions on civil, penal code bills
House panel seeks people’s suggestions on civil, penal code bills
Published: 01:01 am Dec 01, 2015
Kathmandu, November 30 Legislation Committee of the Parliament has asked the public to give their suggestions on the civil and penal code bills, which the panel is debating at present. Chair of the Parliamentary panel Ganga Chaudhari, Satgauwa said the subcommittee formed under the panel would now work at the five bills three criminal code and procedure bills and two civil code and procedure bills, and the panel would also consult various stakeholders including Nepal Bar Association, civil society members, Nepali Federation of Journalists and the public to ensure wider public participation in the legislation of these important bills. Member of the Legislation Committee Radhe Shyam Adhikari said these bills would serve as most important laws after the new constitution and hence, these bills should be enacted into laws only after holding comprehensive discussions across the country. Civil and Penal code bills will replace the age-old Muluki Ain (General Code). Satgauwa urged reporters to give coverage to each meeting of the sub-panels so as to make the public aware about provisions in the bills and encourage them to give suggestions. Satgauwa said the committee was committed to incorporate the suggestions so that the laws could better serve the public. Adhikari said the five bills would touch the lives of all citizens and hence participation of all citizens and communities in the process of legislation was important. “These bills will impact everybody in society irrespective of class and status and hence, we need to thoroughly discuss the provisions of the bills,” he added. Lawmakers will also offer their suggestions on the provisions of these bills before the committee forwards them to the Parliament. Satgauwa said the public could download the bills from the Parliament’s website: and send their feedback at