
Advance transparency

Advance transparency

By Haidy Ear-Dupuy

In the run-up to next month’s Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit in Guadalajara, Mexico, ADB and the OGP support unit recently co-organized an Asia regional meeting for representatives from governments, civil society, and multilateral organizations to share what works, what remains a challenge, and what can be improved under the current OGP framework. It was apparent from the country reports given at the meeting that National Action Plans (NAPs) for open government are an excellent way to bring government and civil society together to advance transparency, accountability, citizen empowerment and innovative approaches to use technology to strengthen governance. Even if there is room to further deepen the engagement, the feedback from participants made it clear that the OGP process of jointly identifying and prioritizing reform initiatives to be included in the NAPs provided an excellent opportunity for collaboration... — blogs.adb.org/blogs